Sunday, January 18, 2009
Hauoli Makahiki Hou
Or Happy New Year's to all my non-Hawaiian readers. I went to Hawaii for New Year's. It was the best vacation and best New Year's I have ever had. Let's just say that 2008 was a rough year. It doesn't even deserve a year in review.
2009 on the other hand needed to start out with a bang. It did in the form of a spectacular fireworks show high above Waikiki Beach. I was there with my mom and my friend, Ellie along with thousands and thousands of our friendliest (drunk) strangers, including a very cute Frenchman, Xavier, that I had the pleasure of getting to know. Luckily his English was much better than my French. :)
My parents, my friend Ellie, and I were on Oahu for five and a half days and Maui for three and a half days. Oahu was rush, rush, rush to see everything (and buy everything). Maui was lounging by the pool absorbing as much sun and heat as I could day after day. There was plenty of eating as well. I doubted I would ever feel hunger again.
Since returning home to the freezing arctic and unemployment, I ask myself many times a day why I even bothered to leave??