Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hey Baby Lets Go To Vegas!

Where have I been last week? Vegas, baby! My parents had a Convention in Vegas and were planning to drive so I figured I would tag along. There is nothing like free transportation and accommodations. Since I had no income, I figured I would see if I could make a little dough on the slots or at the tables! Just kidding!

As I was telling my friends that I was planning to go to Vegas for a few days, some of them asked me what I was planning to do since I don't gamble. There are a MILLION things to do in Vegas besides gamble. I told them that since I don't gamble, the second thing that Vegas was known for was weddings. I told them I was going to get married. Too bad I never found a suitable groom! Oh well! This trip turned into a shopping trip.

I absolutely love Vegas. It seems that people either love Vegas or they hate it! There seems to be no middle ground.

My dad got to attend meetings the three days we were there. My mom and I seemed to be anywhere but at the convention. We went to both of the outlet stores located on the north and south ends of the strip. My mom got some great deals at the stores on the south end of the strip while I hit the jackpot at the outlet stores on the north end of the strip.

In case you were wondering where the best deal on the Strip is, I have the answer for you. The best deal is $1 per scoop of ice cream between 2-4 PM everyday at Betty's Diner in the Imperial Palace. It is the best kept secret on the Strip. In case you were wondering where the Imperial Palace is, it is across the street from Caesar's Palace and next door to Harrah's. The scoops are HUGE and one scoop is very satisfying!

We spent one morning at the Las Vegas Temple. It's amazing how two places so opposite are just a few miles from each other.

We did attend one show that was part of the convention. We saw a hypnotist perform on some people in the audience. It was very entertaining! I totally believe that those people were hypnotized! I'm a believer! The human mind, it's an amazing thing!

My parents and I all said the same thing the morning after we got home. We were all gratefull to sleep in our own beds in our own rooms. We would never survive in a third world country where we would have to share a one room house.